
About CloudBees

We’re a globally distributed team of passionate bees working to power the continuous economy Open Source is in our DNA... Many of our founders and leaders are veterans of open source projects and grew them into industry icons. Some of those projects today power digital businesses and software engineering around the globe. They're doing it again at CloudBees! Accelerator - Value prop 3 Illustration Homepage Value Stream Management ...and Growth Motivates Us We’re also driven by a passion to grow companies that enable market transformations and revolutionize how technologists work. From Splunk to CodeShip, our leaders have the background to trust with your most critical pipelines! ...We Have a Vision for Powering the Continuous Economy We're building for the ever-accelerating world that relies on software as the fabric of innovation. A world where from light bulbs to super-humans, developer creativity yields value, system stability yields trust and the winners master both.